If you bring forth what is within you, it will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, it will destroy you.
–The Gnostic Gospels, Elaine Pagels
Modern day life can often feel fast-paced and overwhelming. Brene Brown commented in her book Daring Greatly that many of us wake up and start the day feeling inadequate from the moment we open our eyes. We feel as if there’s not enough time to accomplish everything on our schedules, there’s not enough of us to go around. Over activity, feeling like we are in constant perpetual motion and can’t slow down, addictive avoidance behaviors including watching too much TV, overeating, drinking, even reading compulsively, are all ways we dissociate from the overwhelming feelings we experience when life moves too fast and we don’t create regular time to be instead of do.
It’s crucial that we find healthy and constructive ways to process and release our emotions so we are not trapped or paralyzed by them. The danger in holding onto unacknowledged truths and unprocessed emotions is that they eventually “pop up” as illnesses, addictions, dysfunctional relationships, financial problems, etc.
Journaling is an easy and inexpensive way to release old toxic energy stored in our energy field and physical body. It moves out pieces of our past and present that we have not yet processed. When we give authentic expression to our experiences and our feelings about them we free ourselves.
Tips for Effective Journaling:
Be Your Own Shaman, Deborah King
Daring Greatly, Brene Brown
Journey from the Center to the Page, Jeff Davis
The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron
Writing Begins with the Breath, Laraine Herring
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