Why you need a Joy Infusion in your life NOW and how to Get it today!
Researchers have proven that you need massive amounts of Joy in your life or else: Or else. What?? You say. Your body needs Joy to create the hormones, and positive cell formation that you need to be healthy. If you don’t give your body the Joy it needs then your body will make you get it from somewhere else and it won’t be pretty. It will get it’s high from drugs, from alcohol, from excess spending, overeating, adrenaline rushes, overwork, debilitating anger, thrill seeking, and a zillion other excesses we invent. You get a momentary pleasure jolt and it is back to the hunt for the real thing. You can do a much better job if you just give yourself the joy infusions you crave in the first place. Realize that as you do this you will learn that you have an unlimited capacity for JOY. There is no limit to how great you can feel and no time period for how long you can feel it. Here are some of my favorite techniques for infusing Joy into your life and those around you.
Build Strong, Powerful Ninja JOY Muscles
Let’s start with Gratitude. Gratitude is the parent of Joy and not the child. You aren’t grateful because you had Joy. You are grateful and then you have Joy. That is truly how it works. You become so aware, you attract more, and more Joy. It’s there all the time. It is your natural state 100% + Joy all the time — and then some. If you are living in a state of Gratitude your life becomes so much more Joyful.
Create a state of Gratitude and Appreciation
What you focus on expands. So the more you focus on what you are grateful for, the more you have to be grateful for. What you appreciate, appreciates! Keep a gratitude journal on your night table. List at least 5 things you are grateful for every night. Make notes throughout the day and step the timer on your phone to remind you to take a gratitude check every few hours. Put post-it reminder notes everywhere to remind yourself how grateful you are about things to which you would otherwise become oblivious. Remind yourself how wonderful YOU are. You are powerfully and wonderfully made. Be lavish with praise and gratitude about your external environment your home, neighborhood, cars, nature, trees pets. Verbally acknowledge others and spend the day finding things to appreciate and about which you can express gratitude. Find ways to incorporate gratitude and appreciation rituals into your daily life at home at work and everywhere. Make it all one big endless loop. Involve your family and friends in to participating in this inspiring undertaking.
Set an intention each day to be Joyful and make it a Joy-Filled Day
I recommend that each day begin with your doing your spiritual practice. This could be your meditation time, Yoga practice, prayer time, gratitude time a special time to get you focused and ready for the day. Do a status check throughout the day to make sure that you have not succumbed to the constant tug of easy to do negativity that is always ready to take over our day. Remember to strengthen those Ninja muscles to make you a powerhouse of positivity. When you catch yourself operating contrary to your authentic self, quickly pull yourself out of the negativity rut and back to your true self. Practice spending less time per episode out of alignment with your true self. Watch how easy it becomes.
Live Your Dreams and Passions
Rediscover your dreams and passions. Reconnect with the dreams of your youth and develop an understanding of your dream of today. Spend the time to learn your top five passions (Take the Passion Test ™, and find out what in your life really matters most to you. Live your life based on your these things and the values you hold most dear in your live. Identify what you would like to leave as a legacy. Spend your days in alignment with the big picture of your life. Create the life of your dreams…now!
Infusing your life with JOY is not about painting a Happy Face on the challenges of life. Infusing your life with Joy and foundational gratitude will enable you to withstand and overcome the fears, grief, sadness, powerlessness and hopelessness that lies at the bottom rung of the ladder and enable you to genuinely walk tall on your path to authenticity. EnJOY!
Yvonne is a consulting hypnotist, workshop facilitator and motivational speaker. She uses customized, innovative techniques to assure personal breakthroughs and transformations for her clients. Yvonne specializes in helping individuals and organizations identify key passions and unique life purpose. She facilitates life redesign and reinvention in health, career, relationships, finances, spirituality and restoration following personal loss. She allows nothing to stand in the way of her clients “achieving the life of their dreams…NOW.
Credentials: Certified Holistic Life Coach
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