
Sunday Sangha: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

We begin with a few simple chants (Refuge and Bodhicitta, Lineage Prayer, Bodhisattva Vows) from various Buddhist traditions, including some inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh’s Plum Village sangha, to get the energy moving.  Nancy then leads us in a guided meditation.  After the meditation, we are reading and discussing Pema Chödrön’s latest book, How We Live Is How We Die, her teachings on the bardos — a Tibetan term for a state of transition. Life is an ever-constant flow of endings and beginnings. The bardo teachings can help us live with ease, joy, and compassion through the uncertainty of the endings, embrace the new beginnings, and ultimately prepare for death with curiosity and openness rather than fear.

Summer Sangha: Tuesdays, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Our Tuesday class is focused on waking up in and through the body, exploring the path of somatic awareness as a way to break free. We are deeply curious about delving into a variety of meditative approaches while still honoring Siddhartha Gautama’s radical notion of sitting quietly until he understood suffering — and how to alleviate it. Summer Sangha will be shaped by participants’ suggestions and skill sets, and will explore strategies for integrating other ways of being (e.g. yoga, walking, art-making, and deep listening) into our meditation practice. Each session will open with a guided meditation, progress to an exploration of new approaches and techniques, dive into group practice exploring those techniques, and end with discussion and Q&A.

Friday Practice & Study: 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

We begin each class with a guided meditation and period of silent sitting.  After meditation we are studying Carefree Dignity, a collection of teachings about Dzogchen by Tsoknyi Rinpoche. Dzogchen is a Tibetan word that means Great Perfection or Great Completion. At its root, it is all about simply resting in our natural primordial state of wakeful awareness. Our study of Tsoknyi Rinpoche can help us uncover it.

All of our classes at Heartwood are held in the upstairs shrine room. They are open to everyone without charge unless otherwise indicated.  Of course, we are always grateful for your donations!  Our meditation room is also open for individual sitting except when a class is scheduled.  Our classes do have a Zoom option for those who can’t attend in person.  If you have any questions, please text Larry at (202)580-9313.

Auspicious Day Practices

The Heartwood Sangha observes several auspicious days each month that are tied to the lunar calendar. On the eighth lunar day, we celebrate Green Tara, a manifestation to our awakened nature that offers protection from obstacles. The tenth lunar day is Guru Rinpoche Day in honor of Padmasambhava, the second buddha who brought tantric Buddhism to Tibet and the dispeller of negativities in this degenerate age. On the full moon day, we offer a feast for Vajrasattva, the essence of all the deities of the mandala. Dakini day is the twenty-fifth lunar day, during which we offer a practice for the essence and activities of female enlightened energy. We also do special practices on the last day of the lunar month for the dharma protectors and extra recitations on the new moon day.

If you’re interested in joining us for these practices, please text Larry 202-580-9313 for more information.

BIPOC Meditation Instructors Training

What does it mean to be mindful, aware, “woke,” or enlightened? How does one come to know what they didn’t know before? Who is equipped to accompany others on their quest towards broadening their perspectives? How do we support one another in a contemplative and compassion-filled lifestyle?

People in the Evanston community have asked that Heartwood Center create space for people-of-color (POC) to meditate together, but it appears that no one in the community feels qualified to lead a POC meditation group. Would you be willing to have a conversation about co-creating a meditation leader/facilitator training? If so, would you be willing to consider yourself as a trainee? If so, let’s be in conversation with Pamela Ayo Yetunde, a long-time meditator and interfaith Buddhist practitioner who received leadership training at Spirit Rock Meditation Center through their Community Dharma Leader program. She is willing to facilitate a conversation about building a POC meditation group.

Contact Nancy Floy for information and text: (847)491-9858.

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