Summer is going by so quickly and mid August is fast approaching.This is the month when families prepare for the new school year once again. Every August brings big changes to families. Perhaps your child is preparing to go to school for the first time. Perhaps you are preparing to send your first child off to college. Perhaps your last child is leaving home. When there is a change for one member in a family the entire family is impacted. During these weeks of August there is still time for intentional family bonding. It can be a wonderful opportunity to create precious family memories. It can be a time to have honest communication about impending changes. It can be a time to let your child know how much you love them. You can give your child the gift of a wonderful self esteem boost by admiring and naming their good inner qualities and noteworthy character traits. These intentional activities alleviate anxiety and strengthen a sense of deep belonging. When children experience deep family bonding and positive mirroring, they feel secure and anchored and are more apt to focus on their academic studies as well as resist any negative peer pressure. They move into their next life experience with an emotional bank account of healthy experiences, memories and high self esteem. They have a sense of family belonging they can lean into even when they are away from home.This is the greatest gift you can impart to your children. Moreover this is a bank account they can draw from,when they most need it in life and it lasts a whole life time. This emotional bank account is also passed on from generation to generation and if well nurtured increases through time.
Continue to relax and enjoy the coming August days and may all go well for each of you. Please know you can call me for any assistance you need during this time.
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