Heartwood Center

Many people get depressed during the winter season. The physiological explanations for depression and substances unbalance are varied and it is not my intention to discuss them here. I would like to share my experience with alternative medicine. I have seen patients who have been suffering depression and who are under…

Trauma and Soul Loss

To go with the flow of experiences and changes that life continually offers requires a flexibility of spirit to adapt to change, to loss and trauma, and to evolution itself. In practice, we ideally flow with life by fully experiencing all the emotional ups and downs that arise during the course of living. Emotions are…

The Power of Joy

Why you need a Joy Infusion in your life NOW and how to Get it today! Researchers have proven that you need massive amounts of Joy in your life or else:  Or else. What?? You say. Your body needs Joy to create the hormones, and positive cell formation that you need to be healthy. If you don’t give your body the Joy it n…

Winter & The Water Element

Winter is the time of the Water Element, the time for incubating the dreams and potential energy that will grow, come the Spring. Winter – the Time of Stillness Water is a greathealer. All over the world people visit special springs famous for their healing properties. TheWater Element of Asian medicine represents the…

Prioritizing Yourself

“I don’t have time to ______ today.” How many times have you said that to yourself, filling in the blank with a self-care activity such as meditating, walking, or getting a massage? How many times have you prioritized everything else before allowing time for yourself? If you’re anything like I used to be, the answer to…

2015 New Years Specials

With Lindy Ferrigno, ABT, CI (AOBTA) 3 Shiatsu Sessions: $275.00* 5 Shiatsu Sessions: $425.00** *must be purchased by 1/31 and redeemed by 4/30/15 **must be purchased by 1/31 and redeemed by 6/25/15  These packages may also be purchased as gift certificates.  With Margaret Olsen, LMT, CMLDT 5% Off all Massage Packages…

The Heartwood Foundation Women and Cancer Program, an affiliation of Heartwood Center for Body Mind Spirit, is announcing an opportunity to double the financial gifts it receives. An anonymous donor has committed to match all year-end donations dollar for dollar up to $10,000. With the holiday season here, the WCP is a…

It’s cold and dark. That just about sums up most of December, except for state of irrational exuberance that marks what we’ve come to call the holiday season. Beginning with Thanksgiving and even before, you have probably begun perusing recipes, scanning ads and websites, cleaning and/or decorating your home, and makin…

No Apologies Necessary

“I hope you don’t mind a little bald head.” “My skin is kinda dry from the cold.” “I just didn’t have time to shave today.” “I need a pedicure.” (stomach gurgles) “Oh! I’m so sorry!” This is just a short sample of the hundreds of different ways clients apologize to me about their bodies.  I’m sure every massage therapi…

I am absolutely grateful and humbled to have been a part the Heartwood community for the last 4 years, surrounded by some of the finest practitioners in the country in the unique and well-functioning model of a wellness clinic that Heartwood Center is and has been for over 15 years. Through the Founder’s, Nancy Floy, v…