
Calligraphing the Heart Sutra, Taught by Lopön Helen Berliner The practice known as “copying the Heart Sutra” is traditionally revered as a way, or path, to actually becoming the wisdom embodied in the words. Like music, the meaning of the Heart Sutra is universal and readily accessible to anyone willing to listen. Its…

A Public Talk by Lopön Helen Berliner Contemplation, from the Latin contemplari, literally means “within a space to see clearly.” The space is the mind of meditation. It accommodates the good, the bad, the complex, and is a source of unconditional creativity and joy. What is clearly seen in that space is the bigger pic…

Becoming self-empowered with mindful, body-centered Focusing.         Today there is new generation of body-centered practices backed by nuero-science, that go beyond words and thoughts and reach the bodily experiencing beneath THINKING that affects human behavior and change. The discovery of this bodily felt awareness…

A weekend urban mindfulness retreat held Feb. 3-5 in the Skylight Room at Heartwood with Jonathan Hanna.

Arlene Faulk, Tai Chi, and Michelle Bobier, QiGong invite you to our CHINESE NEW YEAR CELEBRATION – Year of the Rooster Sunday, January 29, 2017, 1-4 pm, Skylight Room, Heartwood Center, 1818 Dempster, Evanston, Il. Learn about Chinese New Year traditions from Grandmaster Zhang, who has taught QiGong, Tai Chi and KungF…

Got Pain?

Let’s face it. Pain is a fact of life. We all experience it in one form or another at various times. No one escapes it. So then, what can we do about it? Well, let’s first take a look at what it is . . . and what it isn’t. According to the Saunders Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, pa…

Do you remember a dream you had this week? When you remember dreams do you interpret them? Or appreciate them? Do you enjoy that creative part of you? Dreams offer creative and sometimes alternative points of view that can move us out of our everyday way of seeing things, and re-infuse our life stories with a sense of…

Are You Afraid?

Are you? Think about it. The world appears to be in chaos, with horrific events of terrorist attacks, individual gun violence, attempted government takeovers, negative bashing in political campaigns, and on and on. Civility is on the wane, replaced by nastiness and rudeness. It seems that two factors heighten our sense…

Please join Corinne Peterson and Myrna Weinman for an afternoon of NIA, Yoga, and Yoga Nidra!  Sunday, December 11, 2016 from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM (CST) at Heartwood We will join together as women in preparation for Winter Solstice through movement and deep relaxation.  As the nights become longer we go inward to repleni…

Stop by Heartwood on December 3, from 10:00am to 3:00pm, for our Holiday Healthcare Fair. Details below!