Can Energy Clearing Help Me Resolve Fear or Anger?

Posted on March 18, 2025

We’re living in some pretty challenging times that will likely stick around for a while. Whether or not you watch the news, or participate in conversations with friends or on social media, you’re not likely to be immune to the difficult emotions that arise when differences are aired.

If I had to sum up the overall tenor of the emotional climate right now, I’d say there’s a lot of fear and anger floating around, and it’s hard to avoid feeling it throughout the day. When you’re exposed to these difficult emotions, what can you do to regain clarity and emotional equilibrium?

I frequently teach clients how to determine what emotional energy belongs to them, and what they’ve picked up from others. Beyond that – I teach them how to give back what is not theirs, and to clear what is theirs. Clients integrate these skills into their personal toolbox and use them frequently, often daily, to move the needle on emotions they tend to absorb, and their habituated emotions. Applying these skills does not bypass their feelings, it enables them to acknowledge them, and let them go.

Recently a client shared an experience of releasing the emotional energy from a heated exchange with a family member whose political positions and beliefs were opposite to their own. As she released the held energies from the conversation, she was able to return to a state of compassion and curiosity, and could meet the person with warmth and caring. It’s impressive to think of how powerful this is, since so many people are finding themselves distancing from and rejecting those with whom they don’t agree. How will we find balance and unity if we’re rejecting those who think differently?

I’ve focused on fear and anger in this article, but know this: these skills will work with any emotion that inhibits your ease, sense of alignment, balance and authenticity.

My clients and I are so grateful to have these powerful personal care practices to support us as we navigate these unsettling times. The Dalai Lama says that when he is preparing for difficult days, he increases his morning practice time.

Consider adding these tools to your self-care toolbox, and see how they support your grounded awareness and help you maintain your equilibrium.

Sarah Bernauer

I am a certified Energy Healing Practitioner from the Energy Healing Institute. My certification practicum included more than 200 hours of supervised practice client activities, as well as ongoing didactic and experiential learning. I create active partnerships with my clients, supporting their inner work and facilitating healing through clearing sessions and sharing tools and practices for the client to use outside of our sessions. It is a privilege to work with my clients and to witness their embodiment, empowerment and conscious awareness evolve as they shift, grow and heal.

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