
The Heart of Relationships

When Anne Eddy’s soul mate John passed away from a sudden heart attack, she was certain another wouldn’t come along – until he did. She is pictured here with her husband Will. Relationships are the foundations of our life experience. The energies and experiences surrounding them offers us the the most rewarding as well…

WITH AUTHOR & SHAMAN BRIDGET BOLAND Join published novelist, creative nonfiction writer and shaman Bridget Boland for an innovative and evocative new approach to sourcing your stories. This workshop teaches writers how to “tap in” and access material from their own life experiences and to share it in a profound and pow…

The Truth Will Set You Free

If you bring forth what is within you, it will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, it will destroy you.  –The Gnostic Gospels, Elaine Pagels Modern day life can often feel fast-paced and overwhelming. Brene Brown commented in her book Daring Greatly that many of us wake up and start the day feeling…

Taming the Mind II

TAMING THE MIND II LOPÖN HELEN BERLINER SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 to SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2016 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM Taming the mind is about taking one’s own mind as the basis of dharma and the dawning of wisdom. In practice, this means resting in the ground of awareness, not swept away by the powerful habits of mind that cau…

The Sanity We Are Born With

THE SANITY WE ARE BORN WITH FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2016 7:00 PM According to Buddhist psychology, sanity is not found by searching outside ourselves for something or someone to help restore us or make us whole. It is our birthright. The task is simply to rediscover and nurture that innate ground of healthiness–within one…

Resolutions and goals have been set, so let’s focus on increasing your chances of success.  As you dive into February and continue on your wellness path make sure to also nurture your body’s control center – the brain.  Learn ways to increase energy, mental clarity, cognitive function and focus.  You have the power to…

“If a living system is suffering from ill health, the remedy is to connect it with more of itself.” —Francisco Varela The explosion of research in neuroscience confirms the importance of touch and contact for human development and well-being—for regulating our emotions and our physiology. The Rosen Method  uses recepti…

A Case for Whining

Written by Aaron Lew, LCSW: SUCK IT UP! QUIT MOANING! QUIT COMPLAINING! QUIT ACTING LIKE A BABY! We’ve all been told to QUIT WHINING! Maybe from a Parent, a Coach, a Teacher, a Boss, a Healthcare Professional or a Friend. The message is strong. Crying, complaining, reacting to pain, reacting to fears or seeking support…

Winter seasons bring us gifts of silent beauty: falling snow, cups of hot coffee and milky tea, red cardinals flying from branch to branch, and if we are lucky, quiet conversations with others we care about. The Winter of our life brings us gifts, too. I take the approach that life over 60 resembles a season of Winter!…

Shaping Clay, Shaping Life

A clay workshop to bring the light of compassion to the darkness of loss. Date: January 30, 2016 Time: 10:00 am to 1:00pm Instructor: Corinne D. Peterson, MSW