A weekend urban mindfulness retreat held Feb. 3-5 in the Skylight Room at Heartwood with Jonathan Hanna.
January 16, 2017
A weekend urban mindfulness retreat held Feb. 3-5 in the Skylight Room at Heartwood with Jonathan Hanna.
January 9, 2017
Arlene Faulk, Tai Chi, and Michelle Bobier, QiGong invite you to our CHINESE NEW YEAR CELEBRATION – Year of the Rooster Sunday, January 29, 2017, 1-4 pm, Skylight Room, Heartwood Center, 1818 Dempster, Evanston, Il. Learn about Chinese New Year traditions from Grandmaster Zhang, who has taught QiGong, Tai Chi and KungF…
December 5, 2016
Let’s face it. Pain is a fact of life. We all experience it in one form or another at various times. No one escapes it. So then, what can we do about it? Well, let’s first take a look at what it is . . . and what it isn’t. According to the Saunders Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, pa…
November 20, 2016
Do you remember a dream you had this week? When you remember dreams do you interpret them? Or appreciate them? Do you enjoy that creative part of you? Dreams offer creative and sometimes alternative points of view that can move us out of our everyday way of seeing things, and re-infuse our life stories with a sense of…
November 18, 2016
Are you? Think about it. The world appears to be in chaos, with horrific events of terrorist attacks, individual gun violence, attempted government takeovers, negative bashing in political campaigns, and on and on. Civility is on the wane, replaced by nastiness and rudeness. It seems that two factors heighten our sense…
November 10, 2016
Please join Corinne Peterson and Myrna Weinman for an afternoon of NIA, Yoga, and Yoga Nidra! Sunday, December 11, 2016 from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM (CST) at Heartwood We will join together as women in preparation for Winter Solstice through movement and deep relaxation. As the nights become longer we go inward to repleni…
November 8, 2016
Stop by Heartwood on December 3, from 10:00am to 3:00pm, for our Holiday Healthcare Fair. Details below!
October 13, 2016
Do you wonder if that critical voice inside you will ever stop? As a mom do you feel doubt or fear, questioning yourself and your decisions? Do you get frustrated and reactive with your kids and then beat yourself up about it later? Imagine being able to have more joy and play in your life and relationships. Feel like…
October 10, 2016
I’m excited to share news about this upcoming opportunity: an invitation to join in a group planning for a World Day of Listening, for free, to anyone. This comes at a good time. As Greg Madison, one of the event organizers put it “It just seems that so much is happening so fast in the world these days. There seems to…
October 9, 2016
“You may enrich the world in a million different ways. And you may enrich the world, simply, with your presence.” Hrishikesh Agnihotri The summer is a magical time. There is no place it is more enchanting than in Chicago. As the “school’s in session” signs go up, school supplies are purchased and everyone is plannin…
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